family reunion

I suppose I fancied myself a photographer. Well, it's humbling to find a photographer I am not. But we do have a wad of photographs not only to prove that, but also as a bit of a record of our trip together. This is just a selection of the many photos. Someday I'll post some more or figure out how to make and post a slideshow while simultaneously doing dishes and laundry, attending to Ollie's every whim (what a pill the last few days he has been!), and finishing every painting I ever owed anybody, keeping up on the news, living green, preparing sharing time and making sure Ollie doesn't eat junk. All without losing a stitch of sleep.

Wish me luck. Heh.


Earth blog said...

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Beth said...

I think the pictures are great. They have a good feeling to them, and the coloring in the one of (Molly?) in her carseat is really cool. Awesome job, photographer.

smellame said...

Yay for the pictures! I'm glad someone remembered. I think we even remembered to bring our camera this time, but it never came out of the case or even the car. I love seeing the cousins having fun together!

inanechatter said...

I think you are quite the photographer! The pictures look awesome!! I wish I could have been there!

plugalong said...

I agree with beth, the pictures have a great feeling. I have to say, I am a little partial to the one of Jacob!

Michelle Johnson said...

Hey Meg,

How are you? Thanks for dropping a note. Of course I don't mind. I'm not very updated because we don't have the internet. I love your picts and I love your pictures that you've drawn. I've been looking for picts that I could use to make a chore chart. Can I hire you? I hope all is well. We'll have to keep in touch.