I've recently finished reading Michael Pollan's book The Omnivore's Dilemma and so when another of his articles about food and cooking was published yesterday in the New York times, I naturally wanted to read it. Good to the last bite. :) I've been trying to cook more at home, using my own kitchen as my own processing plant so that I can choose exactly what I'm putting in my body. It's true it has taken a lot more time and energy, and I'm learning the "how" as I go (thank goodness for mom and the internet!) so it is definitely not convenient. The planning part is where I'm finding the biggest difficulties. Oh, and getting family members to actually eat what I make is a whole other story--can be very discouraging at times. But I'm sticking to it for at least my own health and the baby's. Seriously, though, people only spend 40 minutes cooking and cleaning up in a day? I must be slow. I'm finding breakfast takes at least an hour (cooking and clean up) and dinner, pffff, I don't even know if you count the shopping and mishaps and whatnot. That's not to say that I'm cooking dinner everyday, because I'm not, but I would like to be cooking the majority of our meals soon. Especially after reading the Omnivore's Dilemma and Robyn O'Brien's book "The Unhealthy Truth." Then the only problem will be to get the child to eat it, and not hold out for the ice cream and cake at the next birthday party or for fruit snacks and soda at the next visit with grandma or the candy from Primary. Know what I mean?
Now how can I still learn to cook, manage everything, start a joyschool, go to work, get ready for baby, get ollie to swim lessons and still get to go see Food, Inc. and Julie and Julia? ;) Not to mention laundry, heh.
Kumquat and Herb Salad
Nourished Kitchen - Natural Whole Foods Recipes
I make a lot of herb salads at home, but this one is a favorite -
especially in winter when citrus fruit ...
1 week ago