rude people make me cross

I know I should try and be understanding and all, maybe someone is just having a bad day or something, but when you work in a retail store, you're paid to be nice right? Even if you're having a bad day? I know where I currently work, if you're rude you get a warning and if it happens again you get fired. Even when I'm having a bad day, I am not allowed to be rude to the "guests"(that's how they refer to their customers), and even if I was, my own personal rules of conduct do not permit me to be rude.

So, mister-not-nice-guy at Waldenbooks, you may not know it, but you just lost a customer, I'm boycotting you and your store, grumpy-rude-person-man. So there!


plugalong said...

I am afraid I am one of those people that has a hard time putting my own bad day aside....

Sorry you had to deal with someone like that!

Melanie said...

Agreed. It is their job to be polite. Just one of 145 reasons I could never work retail.

Also, I will join you in your Walden boycott. They've always annoyed me.

plugalong said...

I am in a foul mood today and would gladly create physical discomfort to this indiviual if you'd like, I could pull out his arms, break his legs, or super glue his mouth shut. Which would you prefer? Or if you'd like, I could go after his family.