So, I've been thinking of about a gazillion different posts, and have about a gazillion different photos to share, and so here I am (late at night when I should be sleeping) with no idea where to start.
What it is.
So, here is the progress that has been one small (yet so huge) part of my "recovery." It is really embarrassing to show everyone this. So why am I doing it? I don't know, I guess I like pain. No, I guess by doing this it's like it's no longer going to be a shameful deep dark secret. When I finish this post I'm going to proceed with my plans of posting a daily doodle.
Heh, so here goes nothing: (Just please, please don't report me!)
Okay, so I just spent an hour uploading these photos and trying to put them in descending order, but it didn't work. So they are in ascending order. So you'll have to look at them from the end of the post and back to see that I am making progress. Otherwise it looks like I'm backsliding. (which, actually I am, I need to recommit and get back to that good feeling when things are under control and peaceful, and the sink is clean enough at any hour that Ollie can climb in and play, which he loves to do. It had been covered for SO LONG that it was like discovering buried treasure for him. He spent nearly three days straight just playing with measuring cups and colanders and whatever you can think of.)
The last of my photo experiment. Being accountable to the camera really helped motivate me. Maybe I'll have to keep doing that to get myself back on track:
there really is a nice little space hiding under all that mess:
flowers and fruit baskets make me happy:
This is after about two hours of finishing the kitchen and dining area. You can see the piles of trash and items to be recycled to the right:
More from that same night:
Before the two hour clean-up. If I could just maintain it on a regular basis, I wouldn't need to muster enough energy to work for two hours to get it back to how I like it:
Ollie's favorite place to play. This was after a botched dinner attempt. I finally felt good enough to try a new recipe, and it flopped big time. You can see the back up apple jacks in the bowl on the floor.
Shiny sink. Flylady is right. If only I had listened to her before it went so horribly wrong:
now half the kitchen is clean:
You can see where I started, in the right hand corner and the stove. That was one small babystep.
Another "before again" shot:
It's all gone to pot again. "Before" again shot:
This was supposed to be the beginning of the "after" shots, but as you see coming up, it all just went down the tubes again, because I struggle with just daily maintenance and picking up. This was before I committed to just keeping the sink clean and the dishes done no matter what. That was the only babystep to conquer.
Another before shot:
Another "before" shot:
Another "before" shot:
The first "before" shot:
And there you have it. In all it's glory. In reverse order. I hope you enjoyed it. Heh. You can feel free to enjoy as much schadenfreude as you want. ;)
Cider-Braised Kale with Cherries
Nourished Kitchen - Natural Whole Foods Recipes
Years ago, I catered farm-to-table dinners. This braised kale recipe was
always a favorite in the autumn ...
1 week ago
Okay darling, three kids and many gray hairs later, I have similar hassles like messy house issues like yours! YOU ARE SO NOT ALONE! I have gotten over the embarrassment of not wanting anyone in my cluttered home. Now I invite everyone in (including door to door evangelists)lol I just tell everyone to watch their step.
Depression is a huge battle, omega fish oil tablets and bananas are proven helpers. I lived through it after two of my pregnancies. It was awful. Enjoy YOU. Good Luck!!!
Woo hoo. Lets start a support group. When I stumbled upon your blog and saw the first of your pictures, I thought 'oh one of those obsessive compulsive types', because your home looks so tidy and clean. But no you;re just like me. And now your house looks amazing!!!!!!
I have never been good at "keeping up" with house work. Dad even pointed it out to Ryan when we first got married and he was helping us move. He told Ryan that I was really good at cleaning, but my problem was I only did it at random intervals. Way to go on the clean-up; it looks awesome!
Having 6 children and comparable space to your family in a small apartment, my house looks a lot like that after one day of not chasing everyone around with the broom to pick up after themselves (not that I do that, so it's pretty messy except for the ten minutes after everyone pitches in to clean up). Landon and Bryce are out of control since this baby was born and I still pretty much have to do what feels good -or sleep when I get the chance -which is only sometimes cleaning. Anyway, maybe I should have just done a post on my blog (heh).
And, Melanie, Mom once said something like that about me to a YW leader (or someone at church anyway). She told them I am I hard worker when I want to be. Ah, well, too true, I'm sure.
By the way, love the pictures! Very inspiring. I almost can't wait to have a clean house! I tend to always be waiting - waiting for new carpet, new couches, [the kids moving out],and/or the basement finished: then it will be easier, or look better, right?
yeah, I always seem to be waiting, too. But having your basement finished may well be a really big relief on the state of your upstairs. I guess unless the kids all like to be where YOU are though, which I think I remember mom saying about kids. I guess we just need GIGANTIC kitchen and play areas, with a receiving room completely separate. Yeah, that's it! ;)
Megan! You have such a cute house! It looks great. My house is really only clean when I know company is coming over. My sisters Heather, Trina, and Tia are obsessive cleaners which makes it embarrassing for me when they come to my house. Oh well. I try my best and I clean SOMETHING up in the house everyday, even though you can't usually tell.
I appreciate your honesty. Whenever I read blogs about people cleaning their house it always motivates me to clean mine. Thanks, and good job!
Nice work. Though now I'm exhausted. And find myself craving applejacks.
Thank HEAVEN I'm not the only one whose house looks like that...
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