Well, I doubt anyone is reading anymore as I've severely neglected this blog for so long, like so many other things in my life. But on the off-chance people are still checking occasionally, this post is a call for help.
So five days ago I was diagnosed with clinical depression. I guess I was trying to be in denial about it for years, but in any case, I was told I needed to find a psychiatrist who could prescribe the right antidepressant for me. So I am asking any of you if you have any experience with antidepressants or psychiatrists and might have any advice, referrals, or info that you think would be helpful for me as I try to get happy. If this is too public for you to comment here, please call or email me if that is better for you, as I well know how private and personal this sort of thing is. I'm trying to find a solution so that life can improve not only for me, but for Kevin and Oliver. They deserve so much more.
Cider-Braised Kale with Cherries
Nourished Kitchen - Natural Whole Foods Recipes
Years ago, I catered farm-to-table dinners. This braised kale recipe was
always a favorite in the autumn ...
1 week ago
I know someone who has experience with that sort of thing but I don't know if I should post it on here. I don't want to offend her but if you call me I can tell you who to talk to and I'm sure she wouldn't mind talking to you about it. Or I bet BYU would be able to refer you to someone.
Your bishop could refer you to one at LDS family services. The psychiatrist I saw at one was helpful to me - hopefully the sun coming out will help too!
I'm still reading. And just in case Oliver gets a bit... overbearing, which in my opinion is true of all kids, he is always welcome to come hang out at my place.
I have clinical depression. I am taking a generic brand of Celexa. It's helped me a lot. I have also taken Prozac and Zoloft in the past. Prozac was helpful, but Zoloft was not. I had dizziness and nausea with Zoloft(my dad also had the same problems with Zoloft). I don't have any referrals but like Megan said, your bishop can refer you to someone at LDS family services. Another person you could get in contact with in Beth (Roskelley) Williams because she has had issues with depression that she got meds for at one time. I sure she wouldn't mind me telling you because she wrote on her blog about it at one time (I would tell you her blog, but I don't have the link to it anymore). She lives in Provo and should be in the phonebook under her husband Joel. For now, just know there will be happiness in the future and you can have some soon... Love you!
I meant to say that Celexa "helps" me a lot, not "helped" me.
I also meant to say, like "monica" said, not "megan" - silly me..
I check your blog all of the time. So there! I was going to tell you to talk to Tye, but look, that helpful young lady has already given some very helpful info! Anyway, here's looking forward for some brighter days! Love you so much!
I'm so happy to see your blog. What I am disappointed at is not seeing all of your artwork posted here. Even if you've only been sketching lately, I need to see it, k? And for sure, please quit Macey's and find an artsy job because I just don't see you being fulfilled creatively ringing up everybody's groceries! In the least, you should start up a mom's art club with me (though I lack all art skills whatsoever), my neighbor (an art educator and fabulous dresser) and my other neighbor (majored in painting at the B.Y.)
Did you see the blog of my friend's husband yet? Sweet, huh? And all his friend's blogs are awesome, too. I wish I had friends that were all that talented. I guess I'll just have to latch onto you to start with. :)
Anyway, like I know anything about depression other than my own experience, but I can say that Heavenly Father wants you to be happy and it's just for you to figure out how to get there. And no matter what it takes, i.e. all your money, letting your son go to a babysitter while you take/teach an art class or get a pedicure, or going out of your comfort zone to serve others, you have to do it! Good luck and keep us all posted.
Thanks so much for the comments everyone! You guys are all too kind and too awesome.
Now I feel bad that I didn't see this sooner. I have dealt with depression with both of my girls. Makenzie more severly than Kendyl. I got on a medication a few months before Kendyl was born so I could be okay because I was so scared what I was like with Makenzie as a baby. It was so hard. I'm sorry you are going through this. Did you ask your ob? My ob is the one that perscribed an antidepressant for me. Bishops can refer you to psychologists too. I was reading your other posts above about how difficult it has been for you to find one. Well they are around. I wish I had realized you were going through this. YOu could have had someone to talk to about it for a few years now. I understand the whole denile thing too though. Anyway, call me.
p.s. I was on celexa.
p.p.s. It's going to get better. I promise. I remember when Kendyl was about 3 or 3 1/2 and I realized I wasn't robot Karalenn anymore. I was becoming me again. I don't know what time frame it will be for you, but I want you to see that there are brighter days to come and all this muck will feel like some other life ago.
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