I know I should try and be understanding and all, maybe someone is just having a bad day or something, but when you work in a retail store, you're paid to be nice right? Even if you're having a bad day? I know where I currently work, if you're rude you get a warning and if it happens again you get fired. Even when I'm having a bad day, I am not allowed to be rude to the "guests"(that's how they refer to their customers), and even if I was, my own personal rules of conduct do not permit me to be rude.
So, mister-not-nice-guy at Waldenbooks, you may not know it, but you just lost a customer, I'm boycotting you and your store, grumpy-rude-person-man. So there!
Kumquat and Herb Salad
Nourished Kitchen - Natural Whole Foods Recipes
I make a lot of herb salads at home, but this one is a favorite -
especially in winter when citrus fruit ...
3 weeks ago
I am afraid I am one of those people that has a hard time putting my own bad day aside....
Sorry you had to deal with someone like that!
Agreed. It is their job to be polite. Just one of 145 reasons I could never work retail.
Also, I will join you in your Walden boycott. They've always annoyed me.
I am in a foul mood today and would gladly create physical discomfort to this indiviual if you'd like, I could pull out his arms, break his legs, or super glue his mouth shut. Which would you prefer? Or if you'd like, I could go after his family.
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